Annual Certification is APT Annual-Performance-Test followed with CoC Certificate-of-Compliance which may required for Authority, Owner and/or Class Certification. Certificate-of-Compliance are released by maker after successfully APT onboard and APT-upload review by maker. Annual-Performance-Test conducted by valid certifed maker engineer and may followed by Class Surveyor during the test.
Authorized Maker Certified for: ● DANELEC for DM-100/S, DM-200/400S and DM300/500. ● NETWAVE for NW-4000/S, NW-6000/S, NW-6000G2/S and NW-8000L/C. ● RUTTER for 100G2/S and 100G3/S. ● MCMURDO for S5A, E8, G8, M5 and R5. ● KANNAD for SAFEPRO and SART.